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Boys Club Volleyball

A nationally competitive volleyball community dedicated to developing student-athletes as players, teammates and leaders on and off the volleyball court. MVVC offers both developmental and competitive volleyball programs for boys in the 5th to 12th grade.


- 19 Junior National Championships Medals
Over 40 MVVC Athletes Have Continued To Collegiate Volleyball

- Experienced Coaching Staff

(Average 10 Years of Coaching Experience Per Team

Boys Program Calendar At-A-Glance

Regular Season Registration opens - mid-June

Age Group Training Camps - June and July

Regular Season Tryouts - mid-August

Regular Season practices begin: mid-August

High School Break: mid-January to mid-May (for 15s and up, all u14s continue to practice)

Summer Add-on Tryouts - early to mid-May

Summer Practices resume - mid-May

Season ends - early July

Summer Camps clinics - July - august 


Boys Fall Youth League Program Timeline

Boys Fall Youth Registration opens - mid-June

Pre-Season Clinics - mid-August

Tryouts - early September

End of Season - mid-December


Boys Winter Youth League Program Timeline

Boys Winter Youth Registration opens - mid-December

Pre-Season Clinics - mid-January

Tryouts - early February

End of Season - mid-April



MVVC Boy’s Power League Club Program:

A nationally recognized and competitive level of club volleyball for boys in the 5th to 12th grade. Teams are committed for the year which includes the Fall and Summer sessions.

The Fall session begins with tryouts in August and runs through early January. There is then a break for the boys high school season (late-January through early-May). This is a break, not the end of the club season. Teams resume training in mid-May and continue until the conclusion of Championships in late-June / early-July.


Fall Session Practices and Tournaments:

Practices are 2 or 3 days a week depending upon the team. Teams are scheduled to compete in any of the following tournaments including: the NCVA Boys Power League, Chi-Town Boys Challenge, SoCal Cup “Winter Formal”, the NCVA “Far Westerns”, and SoCal Cup “MLK Jr. Tournament”. 


Break for Boys High School Season: 

After the last tournament in January, until mid-May, there is a break for the boys high school season. ​During the high school season break, the 14's, 13's, and 12's teams will continue to practice, once a week. These will be team practices and will include some intra-club scrimmages. 


Summer Session Practices and Tournaments:

Begins mid-May and team practice 3-4 times per week. Teams attend two tournaments: SoCal Cup “Showcase” and the AAU Junior National Volleyball Championship.



MVVC players will have opportunities for training to develop life long self-sustaining habits of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, through an athlete's performance and personal development.


What is the Financial Commitment?

The Boys Power League Club Programs includes tournament fees, gym fees, coaching fees, equipment, uniforms, and administrative fees and changes each year depending upon the tournament schedule. The base price is around $5,500 depending on the team. This price does not include travel, food, hotel or NCVA/USA/AAU Player Registration.  


If interested in financial aid or donating to our financial aid program, please contact Brian Wahl at





If you have any questions about Boys Power League, please contact the Boys Club Director Jonah Carson:


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